星期五, 十月 12, 2007

The Pussycat Dolls

1995年,曾在多组乐团MV以及广告拍摄中献出精湛舞技与教学指导的Robin Antin招募多位优秀女舞者组成了The Pussycat Dolls合唱团,成员包括主唱Nicole Scherzinger,Carmit Bachar,Ashley Roberts,Jessica Sutta,Melody Thornton和Kimberly Wyatt这六位辣妹 。

她们自1995年开始在强尼戴普(Johnny Depp) 经营的好莱坞著名夜店Viper Room中表演。之后陆续在电影《鲨鱼黑帮》、《来跳舞吧》等电影原声带中小试身手,都获得了不错的评价。2005年8月份一首单曲《Don't Cha别说不》让她们的性感形象家喻户晓,并一举空降英国金榜与节奏蓝调榜双料冠军,赢得全美流行榜3周亚军、舞曲榜冠军、节奏蓝调单曲榜第8名。热辣辣的舞姿加上女性主义强烈的辞汇,还有嘻哈巨星Busta Rhymes助阵,让她们成为继Spice Girls后新一代的辣妹劲团。

2005 年9月13日,在乐迷殷切企盼下,PCD 终于推出首张同名专辑。

  Ohhh.. Oh Oh..

  I don't wanna go another day..

  So I'm telling you, exactly what is on my mind.

  Seems as like everybody is breaking up

  and throwing their love away..

  But I know I got a good thing right here,

  That's why I say.. (Hey..)

  Nobody gonna love me better, I'm gon' stick wit u forever.

  Nobody gonna take me higher, I'm gon' stick wit u..

  You know how to appreciate me, I'm gon' stick wit u, my baby!

  Nobody ever made me feel this way, I'mma stick wit u.

  I don't wanna go another day..

  So I'm telling you, exactly what is on my mind.

  See the way we ride, in our private lives,

  Ain't nobody gettin' in between!

  I want you to know that, your the only one for me!

  Nobody gonna love me better, I'm gon' stick wit u forever.

  Nobody gonna take me higher, I'm gon' stick wit u..

  You know how to appreciate me, I'm gon' stick wit u my baby!

  Nobody ever made me feel this way, I'mma stick wit u.

  And now, ain't nothing else I can need..

  And now, I'm singing.. 'cause your so, so into me!

  I got you, we'll be making love endlessly

  I'm with you, baby you're with me!

  So don't cha worry about,

  people hanging around,

  they ain't bring us down!

  I know you, and you know me..

  and that's all that counts

  So don't cha worry about,

  people hanging around,

  they ain't bring us down!

  I know you, and you know me..

  and that's why, that's why I say..

  Nobody gonna love me better, I'm gon' stick wit u forever.

  Nobody gonna take me higher, I'm gon' stick wit u..

  You know how to appreciate me, I'm gon' stick wit u my baby!

  Nobody ever made me feel this way, I'mma stick wit u.

  Nobody gonna love me better, I'm gon' stick wit u forever.

  Nobody gonna take me higher, I'm gon' stick wit u..

  You know how to appreciate me, I'm gon' stick wit u my baby!

  Nobody ever made me feel this way, I'mma stick wit u...
