星期二, 十月 24, 2006

Ashlee Simpson - Pieces Of Me

On a Monday, I am waiting
Tuesday, I am fading
And by Wednesday, I can't sleep
Then the phone rings, I hear you
And the darkness is a clear view
Cuz you've come to rescue me

Fall... With you, I fall so fast
I can hardly catch my breath, I hope it lasts

It seems like I can finally rest my head on something real
I like the way that feels
It's as if you've known me better than I ever knew myself
I love how you can tell
All the pieces, pieces, pieces of me
All the pieces, pieces, pieces of me

I am moody, messy
I get restless, and it's senseless
How you never seem to care
When I'm angry, you listen
When youre happy, it's a mission
And you wont stop 'til I'm there

Fall... Sometimes I fall so fast
Well, I hit that bottom
Crash, you're all I have

It seems like I can finally rest my head on something real
I like the way that feels
It's as if you known me better than I ever knew myself
I love how you can tell
All the pieces, pieces, pieces of me

How do you know everything I'm about to say?
Am I that obvious?
And if it's written on my face...
I hope it never goes away... yeah

On a Monday, I am waiting
And by Tuesday, I am fading into your arms...
So I can breathe

It seems like I can finally rest my head on something real
I like the way that feels
It's as if you've know me better than I ever knew myself
I love how you can tell
I love how you can tell
I love how you can tell
All the pieces, pieces, pieces of me
All the pieces, pieces, pieces of me...

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1985年,Ashlee Simpson出生在美国德克萨斯州的Waco市,作为美国著名的偶像女明星Jessica Simpson的妹妹,Ashlee Simpson在姐姐走红之后就更加显得星途坦荡,但是在音乐生涯上的发展Ashlee Simpson更加依靠的是自己的努力和自幼就对音乐的热爱,而非明星妹妹的身份。早在自己11岁的时候,Ashlee Simpson就成为了美国芭蕾舞学校最年轻的一员,而从14岁开始就已经开始了自己在演艺圈的历程,那一年他跟随父母和姐姐一起搬到了洛杉矶,开始参加姐姐的一些节目演出。

搬到洛杉矶之后,随着年龄的成长,拥有一双明亮大眼睛的Ashlee Simpson渐渐的开始了出演一些电视节目,并且在电视系列剧《Seventh Heaven》中获得了主要角色的演出机会,不过她并没有像姐姐那样首先从影视剧的演出开始自己的明星道路,她首先选择了音乐。2003年,Ashlee Simpson的单曲《Just Let Me Cry》被选入了卖座电影《Freaky Friday》的电影原声碟,这是她第一次向歌迷展示她的演唱实力。这位拥有一个明星姐姐的Ashlee Simpson很快也成为了娱乐焦点人物之一,精明的商人很快就抓住了她身上的商业潜质,再加上本身的天分和努力,Ashlee Simpson在此后不久就成功的和著名的Geffen唱片公司签约发片。

签约之后,Ashlee Simpson开始更多的在电视媒体上亮相,她很快就扩大了自己的支持群体,这也为她的新专辑发行奠定了良好的商业基础。2004年,19岁的Ashlee Simpson的首张个人专辑《Autobiography》成功发行。
