星期四, 十二月 21, 2006


星期一, 十二月 11, 2006

Kelly Hu

  胡凯莉(Kelly Hu)是一个有着四分之一中国血统的夏威夷姑娘。1985年初,在和她的一个去日本参加过模特赛的闺中密友交流过后,凯莉决定先参加一些选美比赛,然后以此进入模特界。她报名参加当地的少女选美比赛,出乎意料的事发生了,她十分顺利的破关斩将,最后夺得了1985年的美国少女选美比赛冠军的桂冠。《成长的烦恼》是她首次在电视中亮相,在此之后他便片约不断,比较出名的是她在电视剧“过江龙”(Martial Law)中的形象,此片中她和洪金宝开始了首度合作。她也因为此片而获得了“亚美影视奖”的最佳电视女演员奖。  胡凯莉很早就开始练习空手道,因此在这方面很有造诣,她的空手道黑带水平给她在拍片时带来了很多精彩的武戏。除此之外,胡凯莉对游泳和滑冰等运动也十分在行。夏威夷小姐出身的胡凯莉,从小荧幕转战大银幕,从《蝎子王》中的性感埃及女王造型到和李连杰出演《致命摇篮》,令人眼睛一亮;今年刚满三十五周岁的她又出任性感《x战警2》,让这样性感迷人的女坏蛋来引爆暑期档,真是暗爽到内伤。

Mandy Moore

  Mandy Moore 成长于佛罗里达州的奥兰多,年仅6岁就开始编织明星梦,10岁要求父母让她上正式的歌唱课程,年纪轻轻便参加音乐剧演出及受邀在全美著名的运动盛会上唱国歌,引起了音乐制作人的注意,随后就得到了唱片合约,从此开始了歌手生涯。

  她14岁发行了首张个人专辑《So Real》,获得与Backstreet Boys、N Sync等著名男孩团体一同巡回演出的机会,急速上升的知名度及专辑畅销的气势,让唱片公司很快就推出了第二张专辑《I Wanna Be With You》, 今天我们在节目中要给大家详细解说的就是这张专辑的主打歌,I wanna be with you.

  甜美的外型、优质的唱腔使得Mandy出道才两年已是风靡全球的青春新偶像,拥有“Candy”、“I Wanna Be With You”等排行Top10单曲,2张专辑销售皆创造百万佳绩,而现年20岁的Mandy正迫不及待展现她日趋成熟的唱作功力及多方位演艺生涯。目前也在学习吉他的 Mandy Moore,希望在不久的将来能够以全方位创作艺人的身份在歌坛大放异彩;依照她傲人的天份及努力不懈的程度来看,想信这个愿望很快就能实现了。

  Mandy Moore was born April 10, 1984, in Nashua, New Hampshire. She found her love of singing when she went to a summer musical camp when she was nine years old. After seeing the musical "Oklahoma!" she decided that she wanted to pursue a career in singing.

  Determined to be an entertainer from the age of six onward, she then began voice lessons and auditioning for plays in the local theaters and got her first role as Ngana in "South Pacific". She has appeared in over a dozen plays in the Central Florida area and has had lead roles in "Bye Bye Birdie" and "Guys and Dolls".

  She was later known throughout the Orlando area as the "National Anthem Girl" for her regular performances of "The Star Spangled Banner" at local sporting events such as high school basketball, Chris Evert's Pro-Celebrity Tennis, Orlando Magic games, and even minor league baseball.

  Mandy spent three years dancing and being a cheerleader for Pop Warner Football between age 12 and 15. At the age of 15, while she was recording in a studio in Orlando, a Fed-Ex worker who happened to be passing through heard her and was interested in her talent. He also happened to know someone at Sony as well. Moore worked on cutting a demo and shortly thereafter signed a record deal with Sony 550 Music.

  Mandy rose to celebrity status after touring with N-Sync and the Backstreet Boys. Her debut single, 'Candy', sold half a million copies, many of the sales attributable to a promotional website that registered over 100,000 'hits' a day at its peak. Sales of 'Candy' were enough to convince 550 Music to rush release of So Real, her debut album, before the end of the millennium. The album, I Wanna Be With You, was repackaged with the addition of five new songs, the following June.

  A self-titled sophomore effort appeared in summer 2001. As her touring and recording schedule demanded more of her time, Moore withdrew from Bishop Moore Catholic High School in Orlando in 2000 and opted for a tutor/correspondence at age 16. She has stated that her education is important to her and says that the fact that she wants to go to college motivates her to continue with her schooling. Though Moore's record sales are not up in the ranks of Britney Spears, Mariah Carey, Avril Lavigne, Christina Aguilera, or even Kelly Clarkson, she has proved to be a formidable talent both in singing and in acting.

  Mandy's new songs reveal her rapid and impressive development as a vocalist. At the heart of her new album is a brand-new single, "I Wanna Be With You.".

  Mandy likes all kinds of music, especially the songs of other female singers like Lauryn Hill, Madonna, Mariah Carey and Whitney Houston. She is also learning to play guitar with an eye toward writing her own songs. Recently, Mandy has turned her attention to Hollywood with several new film roles, and it is uncertain if this is her new direction of ambition.

星期二, 十二月 05, 2006

Avril Lavigne 2

星期六, 十二月 02, 2006

Eva Mendes 2

星期五, 十二月 01, 2006

Fernanda Tavares

[英格兰宝贝] Keely Hazell